Considering the feeders have only been up a few days, I was pleased to see a pair of titmice this morning. Knowing their habits, I am sure the chickadees will soon be attending. I sat on the bench, about ten feet from the feeders, listening to the titmice scold me, while having their snacks.
Doof sat on a rock across the lane, listening for moles or mice. I enjoyed watching him creep across the fallen leaf litter, hoping to catch a play toy. He doesn’t seem to eat them, but they’re dead, just the same, having expired while being tossed in the air. Being a little over a year old, Doof hasn’t become complacent yet. He dashes around, skulks behind trees, and generally makes life interesting for his two roommates, Jessie and me.
Although I mourn fallen birds, I feel the bird feeders are cheap entertainment for both the human and feline residents.
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