Something is going on. I’m not sure what, exactly.
A male cardinal keeps ramming into the laundry room window. He’s been doing this for two days. He sits in the rhododendron, maybe two feet from the glass. If I come into the room, I see him fly off, around the corner of the house, and land in a cedar tree. I leave the room and listen to the rhythmic sound of him banging into the window. Is he seeing himself in the glass, as a competitor? I can’t imagine there’s anything in the laundry room that would entice a bird.
Meanwhile, Doof is sitting under the forsythia, next to the birdfeeder, waiting patiently for a bird to fly into his mouth. The titmice and chickadees are safe, as they come to the feeder, pick a seed, and take it into the tree above. The goldfinches don’t fare as well, as they spend some time on the perches, picking over the seeds. He doesn’t kill them, but he bats them around a bit. He loses interest when they quit moving. I probably shouldn’t be feeding them, but in the winter the color and activity are entertaining.